Buy a painting
All prices exclude shipping, transportation.
In case you are interested in buying or renting a painting: please send an e-mail or use the contactform.
(Don't forget to mention the title of the painting you are interested in.)
Of course I would like you to buy my paintings but renting a painting gives you a chance to hang a work on your wall that you may not be able to afford. At the same time you will be saving money towards a painting of your choice in the future.
It works as follows:
Say a painting costs £ 500.-
You will pay per month 6% of the value of the painting, in this case £ 30.-
1% (for rent of the painting) £ 5.-
5% (can be offset against a painting of your choice) £ 25.-
The 1% per month you lose, the 5% builds up to your savings for buying a painting of your choice in the future. You can rent 1 painting at the time for a minimum of 3 months and you can change it for another painting after 3 months or decide to buy it.
What I need from you?